Multi-Peptide + HA Serum 30ml

Multi-Peptide + HA Serum 30ml

3.890 kr %

Aðeins 9 stykki eftir

Eitt vinsælasta Serumið á markaðnum í dag! Serumið inniheldur 6 mismunandi peptíð. Peptíð koma í veg fyrir kollagen niðurbrot.  

Mjög rakagefandi, vinnur á hrukkum og ‘’eyðir’’ þeim nánast upp á mettíma.

Notist kvölds og morgna á hreina húð á undan kremum.

Ummæli frá ánægðum kúna af :

,,Along with the NMF + HA this is my other holy grail product.
After I started using it, my face, neck and hands have literally stoped ageing.
Biggest difference was around my smile lines and my forehead (between my brows). The lines I had there have diminished so much, I look like 20 yr old, although I'm already in my 30s.
I've purchased probably 4 bottles already and I am SO happy with this product.
Cannot recommend it enough!"